Hi there!

Can I tell you something?

You know how people have "things"...well style, fashion, beauty & confidence are really my things. 
I don't find it hard, or difficult, in fact helping others with fashion & confidence is where I get a lot of my joy!


One, I love a good "I have nothing to wear" challenge. I can't count the number of times I have virtually dove into the closet's of my clients and found not just one but multiple spectacular outfits for their body. My clients find love in their "old wardrobes" and also learn how to shop with confidence when they want to expand their wardrobe.

Two, I am all about building confidence from the outside in. When we look and feel great on the outside, our confidence grows on the inside. 

My goal is to confront the traditional standards of beauty set by society for women over 40 and prove just how wrong these rules are.

combat aging and live a fun, abundant life

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Walk out the door every day with CONFIDENCE and HIGH self-esteem!
A 6 Week Program to Step into your BEST.




Your happy place?

The beach - anytime I’m around the ocean it leaves me peaceful.

Heels or flats?

Heels - and shoes with oval (almost pointed) toes to elongate my leg

All About Kim!

Are you a hat person?

No but I am a scarf person. I love wearing scarves and think they are the ultimate accessory.

SCALE OF 1 to 10, how important is a tailor?

Tailoring to get the “perfect” fit makes all the difference. It’s that little “tweak” that no one will know about - they’ll just think you always look fabulous! 


Why do you start with the outside?

People make a judgment when they see you. If you look great on the outside it allows you to have a great 7 second impression. Having that opportunity then allows you to let people know the real you. When we look good, we feel confident and that confidence can prepare us to attract the people into our life that.

Using a great skincare and never, ever going to bed with makeup on. Also tight lining the eyes - it’s a great way to make the eyes “pop” without making them appear older.  

Your go to makeup tip


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3 Day Intro Workshop

In just 3 days, Discover your body type & your ideal style.


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